Sunday, October 17, 2004

Just good friends ...

When Friendship turns Love

This wall unknown , that seperates us , hey girl.
What lies beneath it , I aint got no clue !
Slowly and stealthily , the secret does unfurl,
I know not why , I yearn to be with you.

Make me know , why you lodge in my heart's inn ,
When the swift air feels upon your glowing skin.
When the cool water splashes on ur gentle face ,
Make me know why ,I feel my heart filled , in that empty space.
Why the weight of the dew dropped rose on your palm ,
Makes me heavy , sinking in the arena around you so calm.

I know you are just a good friend .,
What I know not is .,where this relationship would end .
True friendship is always better than love., Is what is beleived .,
But whenever i look at you my friend ., ive always felt ., Friendship is love.,
Yes ., true friendship is definitely love !!! -

........................................ Mithss


Anonymous said...

Hey Mithss ,

Hello I am your secret admirer. Dun wanna dzclose my identty as of yet. I really like your blog. very inetersteing , very charming . You have a nice talent of mixing feelings with words and arranging both together with the perfect sync. You can make a great partner of anyone as you know how to synchronise your feelings

-- your secret admirer .

ishqia said...

truly said by anonymous..

u really can express things well.,,
player with words.. i would call u..