Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera- A 1950s classic sung by the beautiful Doris Day.

Yaaaawwn'! Still sleepy I managed to pull myself out of my bed on the mornin
g(12:30 pm is my early morning) of the 1st day of January, 06. Sipping on my morning..alright 'afternoon'.. cup of tea, I was going through the day's newspaper, a habit since childhood where my day never seems complete without reading every little news printed. Browsing through the pages I came across a column which read "Predictions for the year 2006". Predictions! This gave rise to the same old question which lingered in my mind all these years. How can someone predict your future?
Some are given hopes of a travel abroad, and some others are tempted with lucrative financial gains, while a few are cautioned to be careful with their career options, accompanied by the usual 'your love life will bloom by such and such date' or 'you will face problems in your love life if care is not taken' .. Yea right. This is what we need, a few printed lines from a stranger you hardly know to tell you what to do or what will happen.
I remember an absurd predicaton made last "New year day" which read "
Salman Khan and Aishwarya may patch up and get married by end of 2005".!!! Prediction or assumption !. Well its obviuosly the latter, like the say to assume is to make an ass of u and me. These questionable thoughts lingered in my mind, when suddenly the voice of Doris Day echoed through my T.V speakers, "
Que Sera Sera, Whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see, Que sera sera". Now that aptly suited my mood.
Can we be sure we will live another day or even an hour? Who knows, I may leave my house and get knocked by a truck on the way, and there goes my future. We arent sure of the very next second of our own lives, and we've started predicting a whole year of some Tom, Dick and Harry. Shrugging my shoulders, I bent over to recieve a call on my cell. "
Happy New Year" greeted my friend from the other end. "
Wish you the same", I replied in a low tone. Now whats new here, except for the change in the date of the roman calendar, I thought, but skipped the question avoiding another debate with the inner me.
As we approached the end of our conversation, my friend blurted out another absurd question giving rise to a new argument - "
Whats your new year resolution"?!! - Are resolutions made only on new years, or is this a mere fashion statement?..er.. I guess we leave this for another post.