Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday the 13th ...!

Paraskevi - Friday Dekatria - Thirteen Phobia - Fear
TGIF - Thank God Its Friday !

Fear of Friday the 13th ..or paraskevidekatriaphobia ( .. trying to pronounce? my tongue hurts) in Greek . Friday the 6th day of week and the number 13 together gave birth to this widespread superstition. The most dreaded day .. atleast in some parts of the globe. Ironically the land where I live in doesnt really give much importance to this superstition, though its the land of highest superstitions.. lol. Do u know the history of this superstition ? Well neither did I until i saw another blog describing pages about it ..LMAO .. huh! ..what sad stuff to blog about ..

Contrary .. I love fridays ... For many reasons,
- last day of week
- welcoming a weekend of fun, leisure and a lot of sleep .. snoooooozzzze
- lovely, delicious food cooked by mom every friday.
- friday prayers makes me feel I have a angelic halo on my head (atleats for a couple of hours .. ;-))
- and also fridays welcome a lot of movies ..
- and lastly I just love to say

TGIF !!!!

Er%=?!!??!.. w:hats=+ h)ppni*-ng ?!? My k{e:y;bor-ds acting we+i*rd. Is it bcoz its Fri*d=y da thirrrrrthennnnth >>> ..
No ..ders $om<- pi#ces of ch@c^late stu!!ck under da ke!~ys .. tim~e to clea*n da ke}y~boa=rd.

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